Caring For The Poor In Our Community

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Trevor Young

Our God is good!  He has blessed us with this wonderful facility and we would like to share these resources with others. One way that we are doing this is by partnering with New Beginnings Counseling Center and offering our parking lot to the Safe Parking Program.  This program helps people who have lost their job, are struggling with bills, or can’t afford rent and are living out of their cars.  In the state of California, it is illegal to sleep in your car which causes hardships for these individuals.  New Beginnings Counseling Center does the screening of the participants which is why it is successful.  As a result, the program has received national recognition.  Currently, our parking lots are underutilized and are a resource that we can certainly share.  It’s one way that we can show our local community the love and grace that Christ shows us everyday.  Beyond the parking lot, our goal is fellowship and, eventually, to earn the right to share Christ with them.

Another opportunity to care for the poor occurs on Wednesday evenings.  Every week, there are individuals from different churches who come together to provide a cup of cold water to the poor at Alameda Park.  We serve them a warm meal and spend time getting to know them. In some cases, we are even praying with them.  We have had both families and homegroups serve in this way, and all are blessed.  If you have questions or would like to be involved, contact Trevor Young () or Maja Greig ().

Love is giving for the world’s needs; Love is sharing as the Spirit leads; Love is caring when the world cries;

Love is compassion with Christlike eyes. –Brandt