Living A Story Worth Reading

Benji BruneelCommunity News

Whether we’re popping the latest Hollywood mega-hit into the DVD player, downloading the runaway bestseller onto our Kindle, or buying front row seats for the Tony Award winning drama, we all love to get immersed … Read More

Where Are The Mourners?

Benji BruneelCommunity News

As a new father, I have the privilege this May of celebrating my beloved’s new role in life: mother. This month will mark the first time that we have ever celebrated Mother’s Day as a … Read More

Highlights of our Youth Camps

Benji BruneelCommunity News

5th/6th Winter Camp During the weekend of February 26-28, over 120 students and leaders from our 5/6 and High School ministries enjoyed a weekend away at Forest Home. Heavy snow on Saturday afternoon followed by … Read More

Re-Forming the Reformation 0.2

Benji BruneelCommunity News

White Walls and The True Worship of God Lately, the Community News has featured a number of articles dedicated to the work and thought of the Reformers. As a church that stands squarely in the … Read More

Parents, Meet Your Assistant Coaches

Benji BruneelCommunity News

Growing up playing baseball at every opportunity, I learned under my fair share of coaches. I had coaches that were really good and others that were somewhat less than good, but the best “coach” I … Read More