The Man with a Shriveled Hand

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

Going on from that place, [Jesus] went into their synagogue,  and a man with a shriveled hand was there. Looking for a reason to bring charges against Jesus, they asked him, “Is it lawful to heal on … Read More

Five Words

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Heidi Palladino My hero is of a different breed. She does not possess any talents, gifts, or outward appearances that one might be duly impressed with. If an idol is defined as anything that … Read More

Spiritual Excercise Routines

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Casey Caldwell Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not … Read More

Orphan Care: Make It Personal

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Tracy Wilcox At the Orphan Alliance for Christians Summit a few years back, a speaker boldly challenged his audience by asking, There are 165 million orphans in the world.  Can you name five of them?  … Read More

Confident Parenting and the Church

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Children’s and Youth Ministries Teams The challenges facing the children and families in our society are many but we have the benefit of facing them within the context of our church family. In an … Read More

Wine, Women, and…

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Todd Fearer The commonplace enjoyment of wine and other forms of alcohol among Christians has come to mirror the pattern of society at large.  This seemingly innocent pleasure has the potential to be a … Read More