Urbana ’12

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Veronica Ocejo I never wanted to be a missionary. Once an African missionary visited my church back in my hometown of Portland, Oregon. I remember sitting wide-eyed in the pews thinking, I’ll never be … Read More

Gliding Toward Gomorrah

Reed JolleyCommunity News

I write a few days before the New Year, and the fiscal cliff is all the rage.  President Obama has cut short his Hawaiian vacation to come back for some lively talks with John Boehner … Read More

The god That Fails

Reed JolleyCommunity News

By 9 pm on Tuesday, November 6th, American voters tended toward delight or despair.  It was about that time when the election results were clear: Barak Obama had been reelected and would live at 1600 … Read More

For Those Who Cannot Speak

Reed JolleyCommunity News

Tom and Jack were comparing notes about their wives during their lunch break.  Tom was largely satisfied with his wife and had no real complaints.  She wasn’t the best in the kitchen and they didn’t … Read More

Orphan Sunday: Ten Ways You Can Help the Orphan

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Tracy Wilcox .      Pray for them. • Tape a waiting child’s picture to your dashboard and pray for them every time you get into your car. • Pray for them in your home … Read More

For Women: A Gentle Call to Encouragement

Bonnie FearerCommunity News

  Reprinted from the September 2007 issue of Community News Every family has a “family historian” – one who remembers the times, places, events, and relationships between different family members.  In some families that historian … Read More