Jeremiah or Jonah?

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

By Mike Milway Editor’s Note: Mike Milway was one of the first two worship leaders of SBCC and was the fourth appointed elder of our church. It’s been a while since I last read Community … Read More

The Chicken Inquisition

Reed JolleyCommunity News

Truth be told, I don’t think I had ever heard of Chick-fil-A restaurants until the ruckus stirred up last month over the food-chain president Dan Cathy’s comment that he is opposed to same-sex marriage.  The … Read More

Don’t Be a Ted

Steve JolleyCommunity News

Earlier this summer, the blockbuster movie Ted opened to bring in an amazing $54 million, one of the best opening weekends ever for an R-rated comedy. Distributing company Universal Pictures believes the film could bring … Read More

Adam and Eve After the Pill

Reed JolleyCommunity News

I recently read a book that named the obvious, told me what I already knew, yet held my attention from cover to cover.  The book, written by Mary Eberstadt, is titled Adam and Eve After … Read More


Steve JolleyCommunity News

He was a typical 27 year-old southern Californian surfer. Tanned, fit and stoked.  As Reed and I talked with him, pondering the finer points of stand up paddle boards (SUP), we discovered we shared a … Read More

Frohling Family Update

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Krista Frohling The past 2 years in Argentina have been full of ups and downs and we have continued to learn how much we have to learn.  We’ve made lasting friendships and tried our … Read More

Wilcox Family Update

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Tracy Wilcox My husband and I (Dave and Tracy Wilcox) started the process of adopting six and a half years ago.  God has used our adoption journey to be a vehicle to teach us … Read More