A Rocha: The Five Loaves Project

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Rich Dixon It’s amazing what God accomplishes through us when we roll up our sleeves. That’s true for any service or ministry, but for the Five Loaves Project, in which A Rocha volunteers … Read More

Trifling Our Souls Into Hell

Reed JolleyCommunity News

It was preacher and bishop of Liverpool, J.C. Ryle (1816-1900), who challenged the lackadaisical, half-hearted, lukewarm churchgoers of his time against slouching into hell from the pews of their church buildings.  In his book Holiness … Read More

Living A Story Worth Reading

Benji BruneelCommunity News

Whether we’re popping the latest Hollywood mega-hit into the DVD player, downloading the runaway bestseller onto our Kindle, or buying front row seats for the Tony Award winning drama, we all love to get immersed … Read More

What A Tiny Pill Hath Wrought

Reed JolleyCommunity News

I’m writing this on June 23rd, the half-century anniversary of the birth control pill.  The pill, as it soon came to be called, shifted the world on its axis.  Life in the developed world would … Read More

Generosity 101

Bonnie FearerCommunity News

How many times have we read stories of some person who leads a quiet, frugal life—maybe a librarian or a store clerk—and upon their death, they give a fortune away to the less fortunate?  Even … Read More

On Life and Death

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Cari Stone For the past seven years, May 1st has held an elevated status on my calendar for all the wrong reasons. It’s the day that my brother David died. But here’s the thing. … Read More

BOP Update

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by The Elders In March, you heard from the Elders regarding our next steps on how to proceed with the proposed multi-purpose building or “BOP”. The BOP is a building that was planned and permitted … Read More

Maybe She’s Right

Reed JolleyCommunity News

On the first Thursday of May, there was a prayer meeting of sorts outside the Pentagon in Washington D.C. Franklin Graham and about a dozen friends gathered on the sidewalk and prayed for five minutes.  After … Read More

The Kingdom in the Margins of Urbana

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Rob Knight (Rob is supported by SBCC and was Director of Urbana 2009) Those of you who have been on this InterVarsity journey with us for awhile know that, since 2000, the country … Read More