Where Are The Mourners?

Benji BruneelCommunity News

As a new father, I have the privilege this May of celebrating my beloved’s new role in life: mother. This month will mark the first time that we have ever celebrated Mother’s Day as a … Read More

Mess & Chaos: A Love Story

Bonnie FearerCommunity News

Can anyone relate to an attraction towards raucousness?  Are you strangely drawn to seemingly disordered piles of creative projects “in process”? How about family gatherings that contain that edgy feel to them that anything could … Read More


Reed JolleyCommunity News

Bob Dylan has a famous line in one of his early songs, You don’t need a weatherman to tell which way the wind is blowing.  Penned in 1965, this lyric seems quaint in light of … Read More

The Frohling Family Goes To The Mission Field

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Krista Frohling We have some exciting news to share: in less than a year, our family (including Buddy the dog) will be moving to Córdoba, Argentina!  Our hope is to spend four years … Read More

Sometimes The Bible Seems Wrong

Reed JolleyCommunity News

The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing.                                               Ecclesiastes 1:8 I have a friend who is a filmmaker.  Tim makes films for various clients, and … Read More

Why Creeds?

Mike WillbanksCommunity News

You may have noticed that we often read historical creeds and confessions when we worship together.  Have you ever wondered why?  To some they may seem dry and formulaic.  Others may think of them as … Read More

Five Loaves Community Garden

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Rich Dixon In Matthew 14:13-21, Jesus was poised to teach an expectant crowd about the Kingdom of God. Looking closely, he was moved to compassion by the evidence of their hunger and sickness. … Read More

Some Mission Nannys Go Full Time

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Betty Sullins It is thrilling to see what has been happening recently with Mission Nannys.  For 10 years in Maryland, God brought 22 volunteers to apply.  Since coming to California in 2002, God … Read More

Song Speak: Undivided

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Curt Crawshaw & Matt Woods / It is exhilarating to be in a church community that is being drawn together by the Lord. Our individual lives are knit together evermore intimately by the Spirit … Read More

Journey Packs: A Service Project

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Tracy Wilcox On February 18, 2010, the Gathering women’s ministry and Community ONE:27 joined together to assemble twenty-six Journey Packs for the foster youth in Santa Barbara County.  Journey Packs are backpacks filled … Read More