Caring For Creation

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Rich Dixon Excerpt from Care for Creation by John Stott, who has served on A Rocha’s Council of Reference since its inception.*  “How, then, should we relate to the earth? If we remember … Read More

Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Marty Robertson It really is almost Christmas, and I am genuinely excited. Over the years, our family has been incredibly blessed by the changes that have become a part of our life as … Read More

Re-Forming the Reformation 3: Sola Gratia

Steve JolleyCommunity News

by Steve Jolley & Ryan Wassel and In our continuing series, Reforming the Reformation, we are considering what it means when we say Santa Barbara Community Church stands in the Reformed tradition.  Last … Read More

Practical Steps

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Rich Dixon The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it (Psalm 24:1).  Our daily habits provide endless opportunities to acknowledge this central truth of the Christian life and to obey God’s commandment … Read More

Re-Forming the Reformation 0.2

Benji BruneelCommunity News

White Walls and The True Worship of God Lately, the Community News has featured a number of articles dedicated to the work and thought of the Reformers. As a church that stands squarely in the … Read More

Presence not Presents

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Marty Robertson I have written the last two months about taking back Christmas, primarily focusing on spending less and giving more. The dollars spent on Christmas ($450 billion annually) are astronomical. It sometimes … Read More