Going On Thirty

Reed JolleyCommunity News

On September 21 Santa Barbara Community Church will begin her thirtieth year of ministry in our community.  To paraphrase the Grateful Dead, What a long, great trip it’s been.  We began in a living room … Read More

Roller Skate Remorse

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Cari Stone When our daughter, Hannah turned five my husband Phil and I opted out of a party and instead took her to a Build-A-Bear store.  We figured one morning and one stuffed … Read More

True Poverty

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Kelly Soifer We drive for an hour or more in a beat up minivan called Old Blue. It drinks oil like mad, and its gears grind and grunt as it lurches over muddy … Read More

Jesus in Me

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Chase Koop On many Wednesday nights his weary hazel eyes would peer through his thick glasses. He always seemed to be carrying a heavy burden that weighed almost visibly on his Jansport backpack … Read More

A Life Network “Sheparding Home”

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Jill Baker One day last fall, my four year-old daughter, Ruth, found me assembling our guestroom into working order. As I shifted the linens and adjusted the quilt, Ruth quietly questioned why I … Read More

The Language of God: Another Perspective

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Vijay Jayaraman I don’t always read my copy of MIT’s bi-monthly Technology Review, but the January 2006 issue, featuring an article entitled The Internet is Broken, was an exception. This article detailed how … Read More

The Power of Nothing

Reed JolleyCommunity News

When the years and decades slip away we sometimes find that one era’s red-hot disciple has become another era’s backslidden, lukewarm, un-Christian-couch-potato. Today’s hand-rasin’, Bible-quotin’ prayer-warrior sometimes morphs into tomorrow’s languid, listless lover of Sunday … Read More

Due Benevolence

Reed JolleyCommunity News

It was Bob Dylan who sang . . . You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.  If he wrote the song today the line might be, You don’t need to … Read More

Book Review of Language of God

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Melanie Pearlman Okay, I admit it, I do problems in my college physics textbook for fun.  Will you trust a book review by me?  I’ve got one to recommend “for non-majors”, though, that … Read More

Birth of a Ministry: A Rocha Santa Barbara

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Marty Robertson A Rocha Santa Barbara (ARSB) is official. On April 11th Rich Dixon and I presented plans for our ARSB community group to the A Rocha US Board of Directors, A Rocha … Read More