Dancing on the Grave of God

Reed JolleyCommunity News

Atheism is not what it used to be. Once upon a time, it seemed, God’s presence was sorely missed.  Twentieth-century philosophers and even theologians wrote God’s obituary—and then they sorely missed him.  In fact, many … Read More

First Person Singular

Reed JolleyCommunity News

It finally happened. Thirty-five years after I first started reading Time magazine, they finally named me Person of the Year. And they extended the favor to you as well. In fact, seven million copies of … Read More

The Joy of Money

Reed JolleyCommunity News

How much would God have to give you in order for you to write a ‘giving check’ for $100,000? That’s the question a friend of mine heard at a conference for generous givers, a conference … Read More

Olympians Enjoying Chocolate Cake

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Kenon Neal It has been a year now since our ‘homecoming’ to Santa Barbara Community Church. For more than a decade we were actively involved in the church and watched God use so many … Read More

Continous Partial Attention

Reed JolleyCommunity News

The six of us sat in a meeting and I noticed him punching numbers into his cell phone. Phone low in his lap, next to his leg. Discreet, yet noticeable. Punch, punch, punch. Comment. Give … Read More

The Divine Luster of John Owen

Reed JolleyCommunity News

Puritanism is “the haunting fear that someone somewhere might be having fun.” Or so said H. L. Mencken, onetime journalist for the Baltimore Sun. Garrison Keillor of our own time joins the fun by adding, … Read More