Spiritual Excercise Routines

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Casey Caldwell Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not … Read More

C.S. Lewis and Christmas

Reed JolleyCommunity News

By the time you read this, C. S. Lewis will have been dead fifty years, and I’m sure he’s glad he’ll miss Christmas.  It was November 22, 1963, when the Cambridge professor went the way … Read More

Orphan Care: Make It Personal

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Tracy Wilcox At the Orphan Alliance for Christians Summit a few years back, a speaker boldly challenged his audience by asking, There are 165 million orphans in the world.  Can you name five of them?  … Read More

Food for the Hungry Soul

Reed JolleyCommunity News

How different my dog was from Jesus! Some years ago we had a black Labrador Retriever who was as good natured as a dog can be.  But Zion (named for the national park, not for … Read More

Pharisee Creep

Bonnie FearerCommunity News

Sometimes I’m a Pharisee.  It creeps up when I’m not paying attention.  I’m thankful to get ugly glimpses of it now and again, mostly so I can stop, look it in the eye, and make … Read More


Mike WillbanksCommunity News

Have you ever found yourself enduring a difficult season of life (maybe right now?) and wishing things would just return to normal? Perhaps you are having difficulty finding a job, your marriage is struggling, or … Read More