Confident Parenting and the Church

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Children’s and Youth Ministries Teams The challenges facing the children and families in our society are many but we have the benefit of facing them within the context of our church family. In an … Read More

On Beer and Burgundy

Reed JolleyCommunity News

Growing up, I was raised to believe there was a clear divide between the church and the world.  It was us and them. The difference between us Christians and those who were worldly was clearly demarcated, … Read More

Wine, Women, and…

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Todd Fearer The commonplace enjoyment of wine and other forms of alcohol among Christians has come to mirror the pattern of society at large.  This seemingly innocent pleasure has the potential to be a … Read More

The Beast Within

Reed JolleyCommunity News

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?  Jeremiah 17:9 •  On March 11, 2012, Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales slipped away from his barracks before dawn in Kandahar, … Read More

Striving Toward Rest

Bonnie FearerCommunity News

As I write this, I’m on vacation.  Birds are singing and the mountains are beautiful. I have a cup of coffee in front of me, and everything is glowing as the sun comes up – … Read More

My Friends Commiserate

Erik AndersonCommunity News

My wife finds it strange, but I love the band Metallica. Most popular in the ‘80s and early ‘90s, this ridiculous heavy metal band put out a song on their Black Album entitled “My Friend … Read More

Increasing Riches

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Steve Johnson I often wonder what people think of rich people who are followers of Christ. Do you secretly envy them? Do you think about Scriptures when it says that all kinds of evil … Read More