Welcome to the SB Community Church Classifieds

Please be aware! Although ad content is reviewed before ads are posted, advertisers are not necessarily affiliated with SBCC, nor does SBCC screen advertisers who utilize the classifieds. Please remember to use customary caution when contacting strangers over the internet! Like many other sites offering classifieds, housing ads should be especially scrutinized. Do not send money without viewing listings first! Please contact us if you are suspicious of any ads or advertisers.
Note: SB Community Church does not post housing ads for mixed-genders or unmarried cohabitation.
Managing Your Ad: You may edit or delete your own ads by clicking the desired options below or by using the access keys you receive in your email confirmation.
ISO reasonable room or shared room for female

ISO reasonable room or shared room for female

Seeking a reasonable room or shared room to rent, I have lots and lots of excellent references. Shayne
Total views: 4
Female Christian looking for Housing!

Female Christian looking for Housing!

Hello friends! I’m a 22 year old recent Westmont grad looking to stick around for a bit post-grad in SB!…
Total views: 16
Newlyweds seeking 1 bedroom

Newlyweds seeking 1 bedroom

My fiance and I are getting married mid October of this year, and are starting the process of looking for…
Total views: 20
Family from South Africa looking for rental

Family from South Africa looking for rental

We are a family of 3 looking for a 2 bedroom home/apartment/condo to rent. Our daughter will be attending Hollister…
Total views: 5
Housing Wanted - Young Male Professional

Housing Wanted - Young Male Professional

Hi all, I am a 27 year old Westmont alum working in Financial Services here in SB and I’m looking…
Total views: 17