Royal Family Kids Camp

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Betty Sullins

Thanks to the Royal Family Kids Camp staff and the volunteers who helped with the wonderful Friday Night Dinner in the Fellowship Hall on July 31, 2009.  In Psalms 113 (The Message) it states:

You who serve God, praise God.  Just to speak His name is praise.  Just to remember God is a blessing now and tomorrow and always.  From East to West, from dawn to dusk, keep lifting all your praises to God.

This is the 9th year that Margaret Polizo has led the staff and counselors in putting on this great camp to show God’s love and concern to many abused and neglected foster children in Santa Barbara County.  By now, she has a great following with so many coming back each year to help as well as be blessed by God for their time and commitment to the children. 

RFKC now has 150 camps in the USA and about 15 internationally.  With a total of 6,500 children with 7,000 volunteers helping throughout the USA this summer, abused children are receiving blessings!

God desires to win the children to Himself! The purpose of camp is to give these young ones a “great vacation” from their past experiences and to tell them of the love of God through his Son, Jesus Christ.  They sing gospel songs, hear Bible stories, and act out dramas from the Bible.  The week just flies by.  Each child enjoys a birthday party where they receive a personal cake and their own birthday presents.  A tea party is given for the girls and horse back riding is available for all.  The children swim, hear stories, learn to love and respect their counselors, and experience a great five days of love, pampering and close conduct with loving adults.

This was the biggest year yet with 32 children attending from Santa Barbara County and 44 fulltime staff and counselors helping.  After a great week, the staff and counselors are refreshed and encouraged by a lavish banquet put on to thank and remind them that this service to the Lord was very beneficial to all. 

Diane Keehn did a fabulous job in changing Fellowship Hall into a beautiful dining hall for the Welcome Home Banquet. She made a curtain to divide the two rooms, used decorative plants, and put flowers in glasses for each person at the table to take home as a souvenir of the event.  It was truly a beautiful experience for everyone.  Donna Hallenbeck made a delicious chicken and stuffing main course with yummy side dishes.  Rose Norris and her son John, prepared tasty fruit cups. Joe and Sharon Zamora created great appetizers and a beautiful strawberry salad. Betty Sullins put the finishing touch on the meal with her baked apple pie a la mode.  Ryan Wolfshorndl had gathered seven waiters to help serve in a very efficient and gracious manner.  We served 70 dinners in an elegant atmosphere with tablecloths, shiny silverware, stemware and lots of water, lemonade and tea.  Dean Racone greeted them all with soft piano music until dinner was served. 

Thanks to the many helpers: Betty Larson, Geo Howen, Kim Fawcett, Gregg Afman, Linda Anderson, Beth Labrie, Pam Magenheimer and Sandy Millender.  Special thanks to John Norris for his excellent help with everything.  Well done!