Some Mission Nannys Go Full Time

Guest ColumnistCommunity News

by Betty Sullins

It is thrilling to see what has been happening recently with Mission Nannys.  For 10 years in Maryland, God brought 22 volunteers to apply.  Since coming to California in 2002, God has sent out 96 volunteers to serve missionary families all over the world.  What a blessing they have been to so many parents and children.  The greatest part, though, is the ongoing ministry that has occurred since three of these volunteers have gone into full-time missionary work. 

Ashley, in her late twenties, served for three years in Italy helping a church-planter with many duties, but particularly by putting his weekly sermons on an Italian website for all to download.  She lives part-time with one of the church families and has been able to teach them English, help with the cooking, offer babysitting and be very helpful to the church members.  Recently, several families have listened to the online sermons, obtained a Bible and after reading it and listening to sermons, they came to the church to receive Christ as their Savior.  Praise God.  The Italian visa laws were amended recently, and because Ashley was in Italy during the time period stated in the law, she was able to get a permanent visa to continue on in the country.  She plans to stay and is supported under Vera Vita Ministries on a full-time basis.  Praise the Lord!

Holly applied to be a Mission Nanny in her twenties and selected a family in Zambia to serve. As soon as she met the family, she felt confirmation that she had come to the right place.  They had one daughter in need of homeschooling and Holly loved participating in the village ministry along Lake Tanganyika.  For the first two months, she homeschooled Mariska in Mpulungu, but then went on to travel with the family to South Africa, Israel and Europe.  When they came back to Zambia, she became involved in many aspects of the ministries of the family.  She visited remote villages, taught music to orphans in the school, and was involved in youth ministry and teaching English, as well.  Later in the year, she attended a discipleship training in South Africa and soon joined Operation Mobilisation for full-time missionary work in Zambia. Great news, Holly!

Rona sent in an application to be a Mission Nanny and wanted to go to Spain to help a family with five children in Artajona as well as minister in the villages around the city.  The family lived in a 500 year old stone home with plenty of “cold” space for everyone.  Rona helped in the care of the family and then started to teach English to villagers.  She loved it.  After six months, she decided to go with another mission board to Turkey and taught for a while there.  Then, she decided to go with another mission board and continues to serve the Lord on a full-time basis.  She is now with WEC International serving in Brazil, and is doing administrative work in the Fort Washington, PA office awaiting an overseas assignment for full-time ministry.  Thank you Jesus!

All of these young ladies are remarkable women.  They love the Lord, and want to serve in various ministries to spread the wonderful news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.